
Sargasses 2025 : Une année décisive pour l'Atlantique et les Caraïbes

Outlook of 2025 Sargassum bloomsA perspective for the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of MexicoJanuary 6, 2025, by University of South Florida Optical Oceanography Lab(,, The map below shows average Sargassum abundance for the month of December 2024, with warm colors representing higher abundance. The Sargassum abundance for each region is compared with historical […]

Sargasses 2025 : Une année décisive pour l'Atlantique et les Caraïbes Lire la suite »

2025 : Vers une Nouvelle Crise des Sargasses au Mexique ?

Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo. The beaches of Mexico, natural treasures cherished by millions of visitors, are facing a growing threat: sargassum. This macroalgae, which accumulates annually along the shores of the Mexican Caribbean, could reach levels in 2025 not seen since the critical crisis of 2015. This warning, issued by Brigitta Ine Van Tussenbroek, head

2025 : Vers une Nouvelle Crise des Sargasses au Mexique ? Lire la suite »

Le Sargassum Podcast : entretien avec la fondatrice de Sargassum Monitoring®

Florence Ménez : Teacher-researcherClio Maridakis : Algae diversity & Sargassum influx | PhD Student – Environmental & Circular Economy Engineer | Co-host of The Sargassum PodcastFranziska Elmer : Head of Science at Seafields /Research Fellow at The School for Field Studies/ Host and Executive Producer of The Sargassum Podcast / Island Innovation Ambassador / Climate

Le Sargassum Podcast : entretien avec la fondatrice de Sargassum Monitoring® Lire la suite »


– As of April 14th, about 1,675 tons of sargassum cover the Mexican Caribbean.– Favorable conditions without sargassum are in Isla Mujeres, with little in Cancún, Cozumel, and Puerto Morelos today.– Around 10 tons of sargassum are expected from Xcalak to Mahahual soon.– A 73-ton algal conglomerate 170 km off Quintana Roo’s coast may reach


USA - Porto Rico : Rejet catégorique de l'utilisation des Sargasses comme Engrais

In an effort to address the challenges posed by massive accumulations of Sargassum on the coast of Puerto Rico, the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DRNA) has recently unveiled its final management protocol. A key decision in the protocol is the formal exclusion of Sargassum use for agricultural or human consumption purposes, including composting.

USA - Porto Rico : Rejet catégorique de l'utilisation des Sargasses comme Engrais Lire la suite »

Prolifération Record de Sargasses dans l'Océan Atlantique Tropical – Les Prévisions de Sargassum Monitoring

This week, distinguished researchers from the University of South Florida unveiled a startling discovery: an unprecedented proliferation of Sargassum in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. In the vicinity of the junction between the Caribbean Sea and the ocean, an exceptional accumulation of nearly 5 million tons of Sargassum algae was measured last December, marking a dramatic

Prolifération Record de Sargasses dans l'Océan Atlantique Tropical – Les Prévisions de Sargassum Monitoring Lire la suite »

Les algues sargasses à San Crisanto "effraient" les visiteurs de la plage

Sargassum in San Crisanto: When Marine Algae Drives Away Beachgoers with its Lingering Odor The passage of cold front 17 caused the ocean to expel seaweed, resulting in a strong stench in San Crisanto. Following a recent influx of seaweed on the North coast, expelled by the ocean after the passage of cold front number

Les algues sargasses à San Crisanto "effraient" les visiteurs de la plage Lire la suite »

Des Sandales Écologiques : Une Solution Innovante pour Contrer l'Invasion de Sargasses

Social media has recently circulated an intriguing announcement: an entrepreneur from Quintana Roo, Mexico, claims to have found a creative solution to the global issue of sargassum. These invasive brown algae affect over 30 Caribbean countries, posing a major ecological threat. This Mexican entrepreneur asserts to have developed sandals made from these algae, offering an

Des Sandales Écologiques : Une Solution Innovante pour Contrer l'Invasion de Sargasses Lire la suite »

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