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Les algues sargasses à San Crisanto "effraient" les visiteurs de la plage

Sargassum in San Crisanto: When Marine Algae Drives Away Beachgoers with its Lingering Odor The passage of cold front 17 caused the ocean to expel seaweed, resulting in a strong stench in San Crisanto. Following a recent influx of seaweed on the North coast, expelled by the ocean after the passage of cold front number […]

Les algues sargasses à San Crisanto "effraient" les visiteurs de la plage Lire la suite »

Des Sandales Écologiques : Une Solution Innovante pour Contrer l'Invasion de Sargasses

Social media has recently circulated an intriguing announcement: an entrepreneur from Quintana Roo, Mexico, claims to have found a creative solution to the global issue of sargassum. These invasive brown algae affect over 30 Caribbean countries, posing a major ecological threat. This Mexican entrepreneur asserts to have developed sandals made from these algae, offering an

Des Sandales Écologiques : Une Solution Innovante pour Contrer l'Invasion de Sargasses Lire la suite »

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