Nombre del autor:Christine J.

Sargassum Monitoring started in 2018 when a group of marine-enthusiasts couldn’t stand that nothing was done about the ever-growing arrivals of excess of Sargassum seaweeds (Brown Algae) to the Shore of Mexico. They choose to start documenting and raising awareness about this environmental catastrophe as well as helping impacted local communities to equip themselves and preserve the marine life and coastal fauna and flora.

Los científicos aconsejan evitar los encallamientos con barreras flotantes para proteger las playas.

A recent scientific study validates the proactive and cautious approach adopted by local authorities in Guadeloupe. The installation of barriers diverting sargassum seaweed banks emerges as the best option, according to its findings. These installations limit strandings and, consequently, metal concentrations on exposed coasts. The deployment of these diverting barricades is accelerating across the Guadeloupean […]

Los científicos aconsejan evitar los encallamientos con barreras flotantes para proteger las playas. Leer más »

Algas y plantas marinas muestran alta concentración de microplásticos, revela este estudio

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Alfred Wegener Institute paints a bleak picture of pollution levels in the oceans. The focus of their research was the alga Melosira arctica, which thrives beneath the Arctic ice. Initially thought to be protected from human pollution, this alga serves as the sole source of food for

Algas y plantas marinas muestran alta concentración de microplásticos, revela este estudio Leer más »

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